
+357 22 394 400

Rules of Stay

Familiarize yourself with our rules of stay to ensure a safe, harmonious and enjoyable living environment for all residents.

1. Students’ Behaviour

Every student is required to behave in a respectful manner and in a way that does not cause disturbance or threaten the safety, health, physical or emotional integrity of other students, staff, University associates, and cleaning personnel. Additionally, they must refrain from causing damages to their studio and/or communal areas of the Halls. Students should not enter another student’s studio without permission. In the event that any student exhibits inappropriate behavior, disciplinary measures will be taken (see paragraph 10).

  1. 1.1. Noise Students must be aware of and adhere to the designated quiet hours, which are from 1:00 PM to 4.00 PM and from 11:00 PM to 8:00 AM. During quiet hours, students should keep the level of noise to a point where it cannot be heard in another student’s studio or hallways. Beyond these hours, it is expected that all students are responsible to monitor their behavior, regardless of the time of day, so as to not interfere with the lifestyle of others. If a student or staff member asks a student to be quieter, regardless of the time of day, your compliance is expected.
  2. 1.2. Cleanliness The student is responsible for maintaining their room and the common areas clean, adhere to hygiene rules and promptly report any maintenance/operational issues. The provision of cleaning supplies for the rooms is the responsibility of the student. Students have the option of obtaining cleaning services at a fee. While all common areas are cleaned by the University's cleaning crew, students are expected to keep clean any common areas they use.

2. Student’ Health & Safety

    1.  2.1 Every student must:
      1. Lock the door and window of their room.
      2. Ensure that emergency exits and floor entrance doors remain closed.
      3. Immediately inform the Accommodation Office about the presence of suspicious individuals in the premises.
      4. Promptly report incidents of theft or other relevant issues.
      5. Do not leave pans and pots unattended whilst cooking.
      6. Immediately inform the Accommodation Office in case of their own illness or if another student is suffering from a contagious disease.
      7. Immediately notify the Accommodation Office in case of a lost room card and/or entrance key to the building they reside in. Studio entrance cards/keys and/or electronic door lock codes issued for entrance/studio doors of the Student Halls are kept secure and used only by you.
      8. Follow safety and health guidelines and participate in informational sessions organized by the Health and Safety Office.
    2. 2.2 For the safety and health of all students, the following are strictly prohibited:
      1. The use of objects and substances that threaten their health and safety, such as flammable substances (e.g., gasoline), weapons, explosives, narcotics, and other prohibited substances.
      2. Smoking in all indoor areas of the Student Halls, including rooms. Note that the use of electronic cigarettes and vaping is also prohibited.
      3. Lighting fires in the premises, using candles, or any other device with an open flame.

3. Pets

Pets in studios and in common areas are strictly prohibited. Service/therapy animals can be allowed following the submission of a request to the Counselling Center.

4. Room Inspections

The University authorizes designated personnel and associates to conduct periodic inspections of the rooms and access them for the following reasons: 

  1. Maintenance and repairs.
  2. Room and equipment safety checks.
  3. Ensuring that rooms are exclusively used by authorized individuals.
  4. Ensuring that no objects or substances that threaten the health and safety of student are present.
  5. Addressing urgent situations. 

To the extent possible, room entry by authorized staff and/or University Associates, is done with the knowledge and cooperation of the student, except in cases of emergencies.

5. Student's Settlement of Financial Obligations

Students who are not consistent with their financial obligations:

  1. Are subject to termination of the contract and/or permanent eviction from the Student Halls. 
  2. Will have their right to receive official academic records, obtain a certificate of completion of studies, and receive their degree, revoked.

6. Hosting Third Parties

Subleasing, subletting, and/or assigning the rooms by a student to third parties are strictly prohibited. Student engaging in such actions may be immediately and permanently evicted from the Student Halls.

Guests visits to the Halls are allowed given they do not cause disturbances to the student residents. Student residents must inform the Accommodation Office of all guests staying one or more nights in their studio and ensure all visitors are signed in and out of visitor’s record book located at the Reception.

Guests are not allowed to stay more than two (2) nights a week, and minors (guests under 18 years) are not allowed to stay overnight or remain unsupervised in the Student Halls. If the student intends to host a guest for more than two (2) nights a week, such as a visit from a relative from abroad, they must inform the Accommodation Office and obtain the necessary permission. It is understood that student’s guests must adhere to the Rules of Stay.

7. Hosting events and social activities

If a student wishes to host an event (i.e. party) they must first submit a formal request to the Accommodation Office and secure approval. In the event of approval, the student and guests must abide to the Hosting Event / Social Activities Rules.

8. Student Halls Orientation Day

All students who secure a Studio in the Student Halls, are required to attend a mandatory meeting with a representative from the Accommodation Office, at least once per semester to discuss the Terms and Rules of accommodation.

9. Violation of Rules of Stay / Disciplinary Action

Violation of Rules of Stay results in disciplinary actions, which include the following:

  1. Oral warning, or
  2. Written warning, or
  3. Forfeiture of deposit or deduction from the deposit amount, or
  4. Termination of the contract, or
  5. Permanent eviction from the Student Halls

In cases of inappropriate behavior, the provisions and procedures of the Student Disciplinary Code, as described in the Frederick University 2007 Student Regulations, are followed.

10. Eviction of Student from the Student Halls

10.1 Permanent Eviction


Students will be permanently removed from the Student Halls and are not eligible for accommodation in the future, in the following cases:

  1. They lose their status as a student for any reason.
  2. They fail to fulfill their obligations regarding the cleanliness of their rooms and common areas.
  3. They fail to meet their financial obligations.
  4. They sublet or assign their room to third parties.
  5. They engage in inappropriate behavior, vandalism, and theft.
  6. They pose a threat to the physical and/or mental integrity of other students or staff.
  7. They possess, distribute, or use narcotics and other prohibited substances.

10.2 Temporary Eviction 

Students are temporarily removed from the Student Halls when there is a risk to their own health and safety and to that of other students.

In cases of urgent and serious incidents at the Student Halls, where the physical or mental integrity of students or staff is threatened, a decision is made by the Accommodation Office staff to alert the Security and/or Authorities and decisions will be made for immediate, permanent, or temporary removal of student.